blog and media recommendations

february 27th, 2025

NEW LO-FI ALBUM INCOMING!!!!! it's a bunch of songs from different stages of my life that (if downloaded with the bonus tracks) adds up to 1+ hour of lo-fi/chillhop/comfy synth beats :) it's in pre-order right now, so I hope you can give it a try and grab it!

here are a few sample tracks, three of which aren't yet available for the general public (mankaworld exclusives) :O

lemme know what you think!!

february 4th, 2025

after a long while of meaning to, i finally released my compilation album "the many worlds of tommo!!" on bandcamp!!! it's mainly remasters of old songs, but it's got two cool new ones too :D

i hope you all can check it out and let me know if you like it!

also, i'll be on vacations for the next two weeks, so i may not be able to update the site as often, but i'll do my best >:)

february 2nd, 2025

first week and we already passed 1000 visits! it feels kinda crazy to know people are actually seeing my stuff (and maybe even enjoying it!). my current ongoing plans for the website are mainly uploading at least half of both of my novels and making the site prettier and cooler. everyone let me know in the chat or guestbook if you'd like anything else in particular! i'm always open to suggestions :D

random media #2: "bane" by phrend

phrend is a project led by two of my best friends!! draftman (with whom i collabed on "stargazing") made most of the instrumental and chium wrote the lyrics and played the bass, so go check them out! sang by liyu, it's a really beautiful shoegaze/dreampop track in the making since 2016, and it's SO underrated it deserves every single listen it can get! i especially like the hypnotizing rhythmic patterns and the hi-hat sound in particular; makes me feel like i'm away on a train ride to somewhere unknown. it's on every major music streaming platform by the same name. let me know what you all think!

random media #1: "epic the musical" by jorge rivera-herrans

"epic: the musical" is a concept musical (just audio, no stageplay) made by jorge rivera-herrans about homer's "the odyssey". the main appeal for me was that it's heavily inspired by anime and videogames, so it's a really fresh and fun take on the ages-old story.

i find its process fascinating. my guy jorge made all the demos with a few friends and then OPENED UP ACTING AUDITIONS to ACTUAL FANS of the project on social media. how cool is that? it's like if toby fox started public auditions for the next deltarune chapters or something (tumblr would go insane). and well. tiktok DID go insane. epic's popularity skyrocketed and got millions of listens on spotify and a LOT of support.

it's kinda funny because i discovered it through my sister and didn't get really into it until like a few weeks after it'd ended, so i didn't get to see the process live, but i still find it amazing. besides, from a writer's pov, the story's really well done! it's super clear and easy to follow, and even though you may or may not agree with odysseus' actions, the musical kinda imposes no morality and lets you judge for yourself.

i love epic the musical now, and i think it's really easy to get into, so give it a try! i think you'll get if it's for you right away. let me know if you listen to it, and please please PLEASE watch the fan or official animations if you do. they're a feast to the eyes.

with that, manka out.

january 31st, 2025

everyone say hi to the debuting blog/recs page! i'm not sure what i'll write here so it'll most likely be ramblings and random media. it should be entertaining i promise............